Conference of the Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation on Climate Change and Inequality
On the 14th of June, Prof. Natalia Fabra was invited to present her work at the Conference that the Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation organizes to celebrate every decennial anniversary. This year’s conference was dedicated to climate change and its implications for inequality and redistribution. The conference brought together leading economists including Michael Greenstone, Mar Reguant, Clare Balboni, Diego Känzig, David Hémous, Felix Bierbrauer, Matti Liski, Dave Donaldson and Esteban Rossi-Hansberg. All presented their research on climate-related topics in macroeconomics, international economics, labor markets, and industrial organization. Prof. Natalia Fabra presented a joint work with Mateus Souza and Clément Leblanc entitled “Unpacking the Distributional Effects of the Energy Crisis: Evidence from the Spanish Electricity Market”.
The full program of the conference can be accessed here.